Our lab combines computational modeling with advanced manufacturing techniques to investigate mechanical properties and functionalities of architected materials. We have a multimaterial polymer printer Objet 260 that can produce multiple polymer materials simultaneously. Our group has several mechanical testing systems for quasi-static mechanical testing (Instron) and dynamic vibration testing. We are also affiliated with the Additive Manufacturing Institute of Science and Technology (AMIST) at UofL, which has one of the best-equipped facilities with world-class capabilities for 3D Printing of metals and polymers. With advanced additive manufacturing equipment and several of the latest CNC machine tools, the AMIST Core Facility is now one of the most advanced prototyping facilities in the Louisville area. A detailed list of shared core facilities can be found here: https://louisville.edu/amist/amist-core-facility/facilities. In addition to the manufacturing and testing facilities, our lab has dedicated high-performance cluster node (20 cores, 64GB per node) with 500 shared nodes actively managed by the University of Louisville HPC center that can be used for numerical simulations.
Our Facilities
Objet260 Connex3The Objet260 combines outstanding 16-micron, high-resolution layer accuracy with a tray size of 260 x 260 x 200 mm. Objet Connex 3D printers can utilize as many as 14 material properties simultaneously in a single part.
Base materials include:
Digital Image Correlation (often referred to as “DIC”) is an easy to use optical method which measures deformation on an object’s surface. The method tracks the changes in gray value pattern in small neighborhoods called subsets during deformation. Digital Image Correlation has repeatedly proven to be accurate when compared to valid finite element models. The commercially available VIC-3D system from Correlated Solutions utilizes this advanced optical measurement technology.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
J.B. Speed School of Engineering University of Louisville Office: 105 Sackett Hall | Lab: Vogt 206 332 Eastern Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40292 Copyright © by Yanyu Chen and Zhennan Zhang |